Life After Stardock?
How big does it have to be
Published on September 6, 2009 By skyzyk In Icons

Hi I just made my first animated icon and I have no clue as to how big the preview has to be. The strip is 2100x70. I've made a preview icon, it's 100x100. it Can someone please tell what the minimum size required is.

on Sep 06, 2009

Hi skyzyk !

just consider the preview as a wallpaper with 1\ 2 AnimatedIcon frames inserted in the middle 

also you can take a screenshot of ObjectDock running the AnimatedIcon at the maximum icon size: 256 pixels (BTW it seems that the frames are 70x70 I suggest a larger size)

naturally you can load 2 times the same icon or even 2 single frames (just drag&drop the images on the dock)

as always  the preview is  .jpg format, suggested minimun size 800x600 automatically resized on the  gallery page,

hope this help ... waiting for your entry in the AnimatedIcons Skinners Club !

on Sep 06, 2009

Thank you very much Frankell It sounds just like what I need. I'll have to see about resizing everything.

on Sep 07, 2009

... finally a found the Wincustomize Guidelines check point2 "Functionality"

regarding the frames size the very first "SpinningGlobe AnimatedIcon" bundled with the Animated Shortcut Docklet was 90x90 so you can just resize the final strip height  (the width will be automatically resized by your graphic application)  without loosing details

maybe the next time you can start with a larger size (156x156 \ 180x180, after various tries for my last skins I  used 192x192)  AW avoid 256x256 for the huge CPU resouces consuming + remember that all the frames must have always the same squared size !  

on Sep 08, 2009

Now that's something I didn't know. I will definitely take that into consideration. I did check rhe sizes of the ones I have, strangely enough several were yours.  I had done it in 180 pxs but changed it at the last minute. Very good to know about CPU consumption, I had no idea. Thank you very much Frankell for the information and especially for the help.  

on Sep 08, 2009

Yes probably the 180x180 is the best solution especially when you have a lot of frames !

You can notice the CPU issue (ObiectDock goes up to 50%\80% of the system resources) on mouse over zooming, with the frame size 200x200 or more pixs, 50 or more frames, very fast delay 60 or less millisecs ! + thanks for appreciating my AnimatedIcons ... BTW I really like your wallpapers !